Thursday, 10 February 2011

Panasonics Latest Lineup

Now that CES has been and gone we can see the brand new Panasonic lineup in all its glory @ Richmond AV.

This includes the VT30, ST30 and GT30s. The TX-P55VT30, TX-P65VT30 are boths stunning examples of Panasonics striving improvment in Plasma technology with the 3D features in excelling to give the crispest clearest picture.

The TX-P42ST30, TX-P46ST30, TX-P50ST30, TX-P55ST30, TX-P60ST30, TX-P65ST30 are all models that start of the entry level Panasonic Plasma 3D Screens for 2011.

To finish off the lineup for the new 3D there is the  TX-P65GT30, TX-P60GT30, TX-P55GT30, TX-P50GT30 with features such as viera connect and an ultra slim design. These screens will leave you with just about everything you need for modern life!

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